Yingke Center is located at No. A2, Workers Stadium North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, adjacent to Zhaolong Hotel, surrounded by diplomatic apartments, Sanlitun Bar Street, and the Second Embassy District. It is only a step away from Sanlitun Cultural Street. It takes only 10 minutes and more than 20 minutes to drive to the CBD central business center and the Capital Airport respectively.
盈科中心落成于1998年,是一座整體規劃完善、生活配套設施齊全的現代高 級寫字樓。它座落于大使館、五星級飯店和高 檔購物、娛樂場所云集的北京市朝陽區,正面同凱賓斯基飯店和燕莎中心遙遙相望,中間有亮馬河緩緩流過。
Founded in 1998, Yingke Center is a modern high-grade office building with complete planning and living facilities. It is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, where embassies, five-star hotels and high-end shopping and entertainment venues gather. It faces Kempinski Hotel and Lufthansa Center from afar, with Liangma River flowing slowly in the middle.
盈科中心擁有兩座甲級涉外公寓樓、兩座甲級寫字樓、一個大型購物中心和可容納900多輛汽車的停車場。齊備的硬件設施以及高 檔豪華的配套環境,成為了波音等國際500強長期的辦公選擇,同時,又吸引了眾多國外駐華使館人員在此居住生活。
Yingke Center has two Grade A foreign-related apartment buildings, two Grade A office buildings, a large shopping center and a parking lot that can accommodate more than 900 cars. The complete hardware facilities and high-end and luxurious supporting environment have become the long-term office choice of the top 500 international companies such as Boeing. At the same time, many foreign embassy staff in China have been attracted to live here.
- 萬科時代中心租賃部 2024-12-04
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- 電 話:010-53354000
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- 手 機:13520637794
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